Mental Wellness During Uncertainty

Author: Emy M. Tafelski, LMFT Being a small business owner is sometimes very difficult. You are in charge of your business—your baby—of your employees, of marketing, advertising, personnel and a host of other things. It can often feel like a lot. Add to that the […]

Fighting Chance Fund

To provide relief to small businesses impacted by local COVID-19 orders, the City of St. Petersburg has created the Fighting Chance Fund – an emergency grant for St. Pete’s negatively impacted locally owned and independently operated small businesses.  The City’s goal is to help offset […]

St. Pete Pitch Night to be Rescheduled

St. Pete Pitch Night Postponed

As we’ve prepared for St. Pete Pitch Night, we’ve worked closely with the University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP), local, state and federal agencies to monitor the evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The health and safety of our Greenhouse community is our highest priority. The […]