Insurance Essentials for Your Business

Topic: Managing a Business    Provider: The Greenhouse Business insurance protects you from the unexpected costs of running a business. Accidents, natural disasters, and lawsuits could run you out of business if you’re not protected with the right insurance. Insurance Essentials for Your Business Workshop will cover […]

Use YouTube to Grow Your Business

Topic: Marketing & Sales    Provider: The Greenhouse & SCORE Every day, millions of people come to YouTube and watch over a billion hours of video. They come to be informed, inspired, or just plain delighted. You can use YouTube to build your brand by connecting your […]

Champagne Dreams; Kool-Aid Money

Topic: Marketing/Sales       Provider: The Greenhouse and SCORE Learn how to build your brand with zero money in your pocket in this engaging workshop. Spearker: Alex “Nemo” Hanse, Multimedia DesignerCEO, Foolies Limited ClothingPinellas County SCORE NOTE: Sign-in or create Greenhouse client profile to access

I’ve Started My Business, Now What? How to Develop Brand Awareness

Topic: Marketing and Sales     Provider: The Greenhouse, SCORE Starting a business can be tough. After you have built the website, purchased the LLC, and put everything together, what’s next? How do you attract customers? How do you build a community that can generate sales […]

Content 101: The 365 Hack to Making Content All Year Round

Topic: Marketing and Sales     Provider: The Greenhouse, SCORE Creating content is a tough job. Where does one get the time to make all of these things happen? How can we manage our businesses AND still have an online presence? What platforms should I start […]

Recession Proofing Your Business

Topic: Managing Your Business     Provider: The Greenhouse, The EDGE Business District Association Recession Proofing Your Business is an informative workshop to help you prepare yourself and your business for the inevitable economic cycle of a recession. The discussion will detail Six Key Focus Points […]

How to Pitch Your Business

Topic: Business Basics     Provider: The Greenhouse, Pinellas County SCORE This workshop is ideal for both startups and seasoned entrepreneurs ready to learn how to make their businesses stand out in a competitive market. Join us and discover how to craft a clear, concise, and […]

Coaching Skills for an Engaged Workforce

Topic: Human Resources/Managing Employees    Provider: The Greenhouse, Pinellas County SCORE Having issues with retaining employees, customer satisfaction or business performance? Employee Engagement is one of the most powerful solutions businesses have to fixing these problems. Yet many managers struggle with how to engage their […]

Workforce Development Resources for Small Business

Topic: Employment Management Provider: The Greenhouse, City of St. Petersburg, St. Pete Works! One key role of workforce development is to help businesses find the qualified workers they need. As a business, you will find local services including electronic job orders and job fairs, regular […]

Hiring and Retention Strategies for Small Business Owners

Topic: Employee Management      Provider: The Greenhouse & SCORE Hiring the right employees is an important step in employee retention. In today’s environment employees have many options and are willing to quickly seek another employment opportunity if they feel that they have not made a good decision. […]