Teresa Strong-Myrick, Business Coach with ActionCOACH Tampa Bay
Teresa is more than a business coach—she’s a seasoned expert with a background as a small business owner, life coach, law enforcement professional, family counselor, and victim advocate. Her unmatched blend of expertise helps entrepreneurs reignite their passion, crush burnout, and banish self-sabotage.
Teresa’s thoughtful approach has helped her clients move beyond their personal and outside obstacles to achieve more in their personal and professional lives.

Teresa is also the author of two successful books:

GH: If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting a business, what would it be?
TSM: I would tell them not to skip the research. Make sure people really need what you’re offering. Many new business owners have ideas but don’t check if it’s the right time or place, or if customers want it. Without research, you might get it wrong and regret it later.
Doing this research can be tedious and hard work, but it will save you time and money in the long run. It’s important to know that running a business is tough, especially in the first two to three years. You will spend more time on your business than you would working a regular job. In those early stages, you eat, breathe, and sleep your business because it’s your livelihood.
GH: Now, about failure—how do you handle it as a leader?
TSM: It took me a while, but I now see failure as an opportunity. It’s not personal; it just means that idea or concept didn’t work. The key is to learn from the process because failure shows that you’re trying something new. Failure says, “you’re doing something.”
GH: What’s something many people may not know about you?
TSM: That I’m naturally shy and introverted. I’ve learned to step into my voice and trust my own knowledge. I knew I wanted to share my story to empower others.
I learned courage through signing up to speak at networking events. I learned by moving through the fear and doing it anyways.

GH: Do you have a mentor? Have you had any sources of inspiration throughout your professional journey?
TSM: My Mom was always an inspiration. She was that person who could always make something from nothing.
My Mom always set her mind and made anything possible.
I believe in coaching and have a life-coach. Every great coach has a coach to help them stay grounded and pour from their overflow.
GH: What books should we be reading?
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Joe Dispenza, Adam Boyce, et al
- “They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan
- “Subliminal Affirmations for Positive Self-Esteem” by Louise Hay
- “The Little Black Book of Connections: 6.5 Assets for Networking Your Way to Rich Relationships” by Jeffrey Gitomer
GH: What are some ways that ActionCOACH Tampa Bay has fun?
TSM: One of our core values is “Fun.” We apply themes to our meetings, and we celebrate each other. We celebrate anniversaries and birthdays. We host themed events and invite clients in with their plus one. The events are an excellent way for everyone to know each other.
Last year, we all attended a conference in Nashville, where we went out together in the evenings and sang karaoke.
That’s the glue—if your team is having fun.
GH: What are some ways you have fun?
TSM: I enjoy going to live music, dancing, and putting my feet in the sand at the beach.