As a small business owner or solopreneur, if you have ever wished you had your own cheerleading squad to celebrate large OR small victories, support you through setbacks and keep you on track to bigger things: Well GAP is here for you!
There’s no charge to participate – but you must make a commitment to spending 1 hour a week either in person or online.
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do!” Johann Wolfgange von Goethe
The secret sauce to every entrepreneur’s success: Accountability. The Goal Achievement Program (GAP) gives entrepreneurs the clarity on what needs to get done and the accountability and group support to make sure to do it. Work with a dedicated coach and a group of peers to help prioritize, meet and measure your business goals.
Applications are open through July 8 to participate in the program, free to local business owners and entrepreneurs. The summer session will be facilitated by Sheila Neisler, owner of Catalyst Tampa Bay and SCORE Presenter.
The 2022 cohort will be the 4th year that the Greenhouse has hosted this series. The Goal Achievement Program is a 60-minute weekly meeting which takes place over 8 weeks and available in a hybrid format. It is specifically designed to help create and nurture an individual’s and small group’s discipline that delivers results. Data has shown that past cohorts had 68% more focused on achieving their personally set goals and feel
90% more confident in their ability to achieve them.