National Black Business Month: Brittney Frazier

National Black Business Month at The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse joins in the national effort to acknowledge, appreciate, and uplift black business owners in our community. For National Black Business Month, we are excited to highlight black business owners who have participated in Greenhouse programs.

Meet Brittney Frazier, the Owner and Founder of Crafted By Nour.

GH: Tell us a little about yourself and your business: 


BF: I’m a Miami native with Caribbean roots who values community and public service. I am a lover of all things Health & Wellness. Crafted By Nour LLC is a wellness company that crafts organic herbal tea blends designed to nourish one’s mind, body, and soul. I created this business to educate women about the benefits of herbal medicine and to provide resources to those experiencing the hormonal rollercoaster of womanhood.


GH: What Inspired you to start your business?


BF: I started my business because I believe in the African Proverb – “Each One, Teach One.” I was in search of holistic methods to heal my body. Through my discovery and love for education, I felt called to share my offerings with anyone who resonated with my story and/or walked similar health paths.  


GH: Why do you think National Black Business Month is important? 


BF: National Black Business Month is important because it’s an opportunity for Black entrepreneurs to be highlighted and acknowledged for their contributions to society. Our offerings are just as unique, innovative and solution-oriented as other communities.


GH: What advice would you give to other women who are looking to build their businesses?

BF: Stay coachable. It’s important to have this mindset from the beginning stages of your business and throughout the livelihood of your business. In order for business owners to perfect their craft, they must have a growth mindset. There’s always something new to learn or an opportunity to sharpen an existing skill.  



GH: What are your future goals/plans for your business?


BF: I aspire to be a tea sommelier one day. In the future, I hope to facilitate transformational wellness workshops focused on holistic healing and health advocacy for women. Tea curating is a creative outlet, and I hope that one day my tea blends will be accessible to all to enjoy.


GH: Please describe your experience with working with The Greenhouse. Would you recommend us to others? 

BF: The Greenhouse has allowed me to cultivate relationships with other business owners. They offer a variety of free workshops and coaching opportunities to small business owners, which is a great and invaluable resource. I would highly recommend the Greenhouse to all business owners. Regardless of your business maturity level, there’s a service available to align with your current goals.