Celebrating Pride Month: Lorraine Monteagut, PhD

LGBTQ+ businesses in the United States contribute an estimated $1.7 trillion to America’s economy, creating thousands of new jobs each year. The Greenhouse celebrates the LGBTQ+ innovators and entrepreneurs who provide essential services and diversify our community! 

Meet Lorraine Monteagut, PhD, owner of Witchy Heights:

GH: Tell us a little about yourself + your business.

LM: I’m a native Floridian, child of Colombian and Cuban immigrants. A few years ago, I wrote a book based on my doctoral research called Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color, about the ways Latin Americans are reclaiming their ancestral traditions and redefining the once-maligned “witch.” Over the last decade, I’ve nurtured communities of occult learning and creativity, which have formed the foundation for my business, Witchy Heights, a space for practical magic. I offer tarot and astrology readings, ritual and writing consults, group classes, private parties, and a coven membership. I’m currently working on my second book, Modern Witchcraft for Dummies (Wiley, 2025).


GH: How can the community support you and your business?

LM: Drop by the space (1949 1st Ave South, St Pete) and say hi. Attend an event and make friends. Share your ideas/art. Leave a review. Follow me @witchyheights.


GH: What does Pride month mean to you?

LM: I write about and teach the concept of “spiritual activism,” coined by Gloria Anzaldúa, about how spirituality should connect you more deeply with the problems of life, not help you ignore or escape them. Pride started as a riot, with the Stonewall uprising of 1969. While the parades and rainbows are fun, being prescribed just one mainstream way to express queerness during just one month can feel stifling. As a Latina who grew up with really cis/heteronormative gender norms, I didn’t come out until later in life — I didn’t see myself in 90s and early aughts representations of queerness. Having access to liberating spaces would have made a world of difference to me, so from now on I mean to keep connecting to radical forms of queer expression that center social change and liberation for all.


GH: What inspired you to start your business & what is your “why”?

SW: I’ve always had lots of questions about my ancestry. My grandmother was a spirit medium in Cuba, but she gave up her practice before I was born, and like many older Cubans, she didn’t share much about her life before the revolution. I found that through my own spiritual practice, I could connect to my family’s past, heal generational trauma, and forge a creative future for myself. In the process, I’ve met many others on similar paths, and I slowly gained the community support and confidence to leave academia and fully devote myself to my work. I’d like to think I’m carrying my grandmother’s torch, creating this spiritual space for connection.


GH: What advice would you give to others looking to start/grow their business?

LM: Bet on yourself. But also practice patience and steady discipline. It’s ok not to be an overnight success. It might even be better if your business takes a while to bloom; if it’s fully rooted, it will stand the test of time, and you’ll be more prepared to reap its rewards. In the meantime, simplify your life as much as possible to make room for the work that feeds your spirit. Creative joy is worth so much more than money. That said, your time is valuable, so make sure to factor it into your calculations. Ignore the haters, as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Take breaks without apologizing for them. Progress, not perfection. Have fun.

More about Witchy Heights: 
