How to Reach and Grow your Business in the LGBTQ+ Community

Join Us: LGBTQ+ Business Inclusion Panel Discussion

Wednesday, May 29th from 3 – 5 p.m. at The Greenhouse (440 2nd Ave. N.)

Local business owners are invited to attend a panel discussion featuring local LGBTQ+ owned businesses and community leaders as they discuss ways to ensure St. Pete businesses are welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community. The conversation will be facilitated by Carl Lavender, the City of St. Petersburg’s Chief Equity Officer. 

Topics of Discussion:

  • How do you grow your business within the LGBTQ+ community?
  • How can we be supportive of the LGBTQ+ business community?
  • How do you reach micro-communities within the LGBTQ+ community?
  • How can your company policies impact the LGBTQ+ community?
  • How do you visually represent and market to the LGBTQ+ community?


  • Carl Lavender – City of St. Petersburg, Interim Chief Equity Officer


  • Danny Garcia – Director of Sales Marketing, Watermark
  • Dr. Byron Green-Calisch – President, St. Pete Pride
  • Jane Haskell – LGBTQ+ Community Support Counselor, EPIC (Empath Partners in Care)
  • Rene Cantu – Vice President, Tampa Bay LGBT Chamber
  • Rachel Covello – Owner, OutCoast

Enhance Your Business with the LGBTQ+ Inclusion Hub

Every small business has the potential to spark entrepreneurship and foster inclusion within the LGBTQ+ community. Any owner can lead as a trailblazer — a catalyst for change—by advocating for equitable policies and initiatives in their workspace. But where does a visionary business owner begin this journey? They might dream of creating a space where everyone feels welcomed, celebrated, and engaged, yet feel uncertain about how to make this vision a reality.

Enter the LGBTQ Inclusion Hub for Small Business, published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. This invaluable resource represents an opportunity to diversify, elevate, and enrich any business to be a haven for the LGBTQ+ community. Equipped with powerful tools, it enables owners to cultivate an inclusive atmosphere where anyone can thrive without fear. It also guides business owners to recognize and amplify the steps already taken toward equality.

Certify Your LGBTQ-Owned Business

If you’re a business owner who has already crafted an inclusive space, why not seize this Pride Month to deepen your commitment? Elevate your business by certifying it through The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the only official body certifying LGBTQ-owned businesses. This esteemed accreditation can unlock new pathways to capital and sourcing contracts, launching your business to unprecedented heights.

Pave the way for progress within your business and preserve an environment where anyone can thrive in equality.